5 Tips Menulis Essay Beasiswa ke Luar Negeri
Dengan tips ini, kamu dapat menulis essay beasiswa ke luar negeri dengan baik dan menarik.
5 Keuntungan Kuliah di Korea Selatan, Berani Coba?
Studi ke luar negeri adalah impian banyak orang. Tidak hanya memiliki pengalaman belajar, merantau di negara lain tentunya memberikan kesan yang berbeda. Misalnya saja di Korea Selatan, negara yang satu ini sering dipilih sebagai salah satu negara yang ingin dikunjungi. Entah untuk keperluan bekerja, berkarir, kuliah, hingga liburan. Korea Selatan memiliki pesona tersendiri untuk menarik […]
Beasiswa PKNU dan PNU, Joint Degree in Industrial Data Science and Engineering
Beasiswa PKNU dan PNU, Joint Degree in Industrial Data Science and Engineering Brief Description: Pukyong National University (PKNU) together with Pusan National University (PNU) is opening a Joint Degree in Industrial Data Science and Engineering for Master, Ph.D., and Integrated Master/Ph.D. For you who interested to study the emerging technologies of the fourth industrial revolution […]
Beasiswa HUFS (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) 2021
Beasiswa HUFS (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) | Research Area: Industrial & Management Engineering, such as: Smart Factory Human Factor Engineering Business Process etc. AI, Machine Learning & Deep Learning-based Data, process and image processing Host Institution: Data & Business Analytics Lab (DBA Lab), Industrial and Management Engineering Department, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Supervisor: […]
Beasiswa Chungbuk National University di Electronics Engineering & Computer Science
Beasiswa Chungbuk National University | Research Area: Deep Learning and Image Recognition Algorithms Object detection, tracking, segmentation algorithm with image processing CNN, SNN, RNN model optimization and fast training for low cost hardware accelerator Vehicle and pedestrian detection with deep learning algorithms Requirement: Familiar with Phyton, C program (Tensorflow/PyTorch, Deep learning knowledge is a big […]
Beasiswa Doctoral di Polymer Synthesis Lab, Pukyong National University
Study Area: Polymer Synthesis Organic Synthesis Hydrogels Biomaterials (alginate, chitosan, collagen, etc) Drug Delivery System Supervisor: Prof. Lim Kwon Taek ktlim@pknu.ac.kr Host Institution: Display Engineering, Pukyong National University Eligibilty: Student who has background on polymer synthesis, organic synthesis, cell cytotoxic test, hydrogels, biomaterials (alginate, chitosan, collagen, etc) and drug delivery is welcome to apply. Beasiswa […]
Beasiswa Research Professor/Postdoctoral Fellow Dong-A University
Brief Description and Study Area: The National Research Center for Disaster-free and Safe Ocean City (D-SOC) at Dong-A University (Seunghak Campus, Busan, Korea) was selected as national core research center from the University Core Research Center Program, which is supported by the Korean Ministry of Education (2016-2024, 9 years). The primary goal of the center […]
Beasiswa Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology 2021
Brief Description: Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) is located in Gwangju, South Korea and ranked 9th for best university in Korea. GIST currently gives opportunity for international applicants to apply for Master, Doctoral and Integrated Master-Doctoral scholarships for Spring Admission 2021. Host Institution: Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology Beasiswa Gwangju Institute | […]
Beasiswa Dong-A University, Graduate Research Assistant Master dan Doctoral
Brief Description and Study Area: The National Research Center for Disaster-free and Safe Ocean City (D-SOC) at Dong-A University (Seunghak Campus, Busan, Korea) was selected as national core research center from the University Core Research Center Program, which is supported by the Korean Ministry of Education (2016-2024, 9 years). The primary goal of the center […]