Pendaftaran Program Pascasarjana Internasional KAIST Panduan Musim Semi 2023
KAIST adalah universitas dengan fokus di bidang sains dan teknologi yang pertama dan teratas di Korea. KAIST telah menjadi jalan pembuka bagi perkembangan sains dan teknologi, inovasi, dan entrepreneurship, serta alumni KAIST telah menjadi pemain kunci di belakang inovasi di Korea. KAIST akan terus mengejar kemajuan di bidang sains dan teknologi seturut dengan perkembangan ekonomi Korea dan luar. Berikut adalah informasi tentang Program Pascasarjana Internasional KAIST 2023.
- S2
- S3
Natural Science Division
- Physics
- Mathematical Sciences
- Chemistry
Life Science and Bioengineering Division
- Biological Sciences
- Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering
- Physician Scientist Track (Medical License Required)
- Medical Science and Engineering Track (Degrees in the field of science and engineering required)
- Brain & Cognitive Sciences
- Mechanical Engineering
- Aerospace Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- The Robotics Program
- Future Vehicle
- School of Computing
- Graduate School of Information Security
- The Kim Jaechul Graduate School of AI
- Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Environmental and Energy Technology Program
- Bio and Brain Engineering
- Brain and Cognitive Engineering
- Industrial Design
- Industrial & Systems Engineering
- Graduate School of Data Science
- Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
- Material Science & Engineering
- Nuclear and Quantum Engineering
- RCA – KAIST Master’s Degree Program
- Cho Chun Shik Graduate School of Mobility
Liberal Arts and Convergence Science
- Graduate School of Culture Technology
- Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy
Business (Daejeon Campus)
- Business and Technology Management
- Graduate School of Global Digital Innovation
- Global Information and Telecommunication Technology Program (GDI – ITTP) Track
- Global Technology and Innovation Program (GDI – GTIP) Track
Business (Seoul Campus)
- Management Engineering
Finance MBA
Checklist Dokumen
- Printout Pendaftaran Online
- Printout Keterangan Sumber Penghasilan
- Surat Rekomendasi
- Ijazah
- Transkrip
- Nilai Ujian Kefasihan Berbahasa Inggris
- Curriculum Vitae
- Dokumen Identitas Pendaftar
- Dokumen Identitas Kedua Orangtua
- Kartu Keluarga (“가족관계증명서”)
- The Certificate of the Facts Concerning the Entry & Exit (“출입국사실증명서”)
HANYA berlaku bagi Korean Ethnicity apabila dapat diterapkan – Wajib dikeluarkan dalam kurun waktu 3 bulan terakhir
- Penghargaan
- Keterangan Pekerjaan
- Profil Sekolah / Sistem Peringkat dan Kredit
Nilai Ujian Kefasihan Berbahasa Inggris Resmi
- TOEFL iBT Nilai Minimum 83 *PBT / CBT Nilai Minimum 560 / 220
Pengumpulan: Lampirkan melalui website ETS dan kirim copy laporan nilai yang dapat dibaca
Perhatian Kode: 0195 (iBT MyBest Scores TIDAK diterima)
- IELTS Nilai Minimum 6.5 band
Pengumpulan: Copy laporan nilai yang dapat dibaca
Perhatian Mode Akademik
- TOEIC Nilai Minimum 720
Pengumpulan: Laporan nilai asli
Perhatian Listening & Reading
- TEPS/ New TEPS Nilai Minimum 599 / 326
Pengumpulan: Copy laporan nilai yang dapat dibaca
* Nilai dari Institutional Testing Program (ITP) TIDAK diterima
* Program yang tidak mewajibkan nilai EPT: Jalur GDI-ITTP, KINS-KAIST, RCA-KAIST, KOICA-KAIST SEMBA
KAIST International Student Scholarship
- Bagi pendaftar program pasca sarjana melalui sistem KAIST Internasional Graduate Admission
- Beasiswa penuh: pembebasan uang kuliah untuk 4 semester (S2) / 10 semester (Ms-PhD Integrated) / 8 semester (S3)
- Tunjangan: 350,000 KRW per bulan (S2) atau 400,000 KRW per bulan (S3). Total tunjangan dapat bervariasi tergantung pada keterlibatan dalam proyek penelitian
- Asuransi Kesehatan Nasional premium
- Tanggungan serta total beasiswa akan diumumkan bersamaan pengumuman terakhir hasil pendaftaran
- Mahasiswa wajib menjaga IPK di atas 2.0 per 4.3 di KAIST
- Persyaratan IPK di kampus Seoul bisa berbeda dengan persyaratan di atas.
Ketentuan Pendaftaran
- Sama dengan ketentuan pendaftaran. Pilih KAIST Scholarship sebagai sumber pendapatan
Kriteria Seleksi
- Mempertimbangkan performa, janji masa mendatang, dan kontribusi potensial ke KAIST community
- Bagi pendaftar S2 atau Master’s-Ph.D. Integrated programs melalui sistem KAIST Internasional Graduate Admission
- KGPS menjamin tanggungan biaya pendidikan penuh dan tunjangan bulanan KRW 1,000,000 untuk 2 tahun
- Persyaratan, ketentuan pendaftaran, dan kriteria seleksi sama dengan KAIST Scholarship
- KGPS tidak meminta tambahan pendaftaran di samping pendaftaran KAIST Scholarship. Penerima akan dipilih dari penerima KAIST Scholarship.
Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Foundation Global Scholarship
- Penduduk dari 8 negara ASEAN (Kamboja, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Filipina, Thailand, Vietnam)
- Pendaftar program S2, Integrated Masters’/Doctoral atau S3
- Pendaftar di jurusan Science & Engineering, Economics, atau Business
- Biaya kuliah
- Tunjangan pembelajaran bulanan
- Biaya pindah
- Insentif kelulusan
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, mohon hubungi
Pendaftaran ONLINE:
Aug. 25th, 10A.M. – Sep. 15th 2022, 5P.M.
Pengumpulan dokumen via POS per tanggal Sep. 26th, 2022
Tidak dijelaskan
Graduate Admissions Team, KAIST
# 110, 1st Floor, E 16-1 B/D
291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon (Zip Code:34141)
Republic of KoreaOffice. +82-42-350-2352, 2354 / E-mail:
KAIST International Graduate Admission Application Guide For The 2023 Spring
KAIST is the first and top science and technology university in Korea. KAIST has been the gateway to advanced science and technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship, and our graduates have been key players behind Korea’ innovations. KAIST will continue to pursue advances in science and technology as well as the economic development of Korea and beyond.
- Master Program
- Doctoral Program
Natural Science Division
- Physics
- Mathematical Sciences
- Chemistry
Life Science and Bioengineering Division
- Biological Sciences
- Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering
- Physician Scientist Track (Medical License Required)
- Medical Science and Engineering Track (Degrees in the field of science and engineering required)
- Brain & Cognitive Sciences
- Mechanical Engineering
- Aerospace Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- The Robotics Program
- Future Vehicle
- School of Computing
- Graduate School of Information Security
- The Kim Jaechul Graduate School of AI
- Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Environmental and Energy Technology Program
- Bio and Brain Engineering
- Brain and Cognitive Engineering
- Industrial Design
- Industrial & Systems Engineering
- Graduate School of Data Science
- Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
- Material Science & Engineering
- Nuclear and Quantum Engineering
- RCA – KAIST Master’s Degree Program
- Cho Chun Shik Graduate School of Mobility
Liberal Arts and Convergence Science
- Graduate School of Culture Technology
- Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy
Business (Daejeon Campus)
- Business and Technology Management
- Graduate School of Global Digital Innovation
- Global Information and Telecommunication Technology Program (GDI – ITTP) Track
- Global Technology and Innovation Program (GDI – GTIP) Track
Business (Seoul Campus)
- Management Engineering
- Finance MBA
Document Checklist
- Online Application Printout
- Statement of Financial Resources Printout
- Recommendation Letters
- Certificate (s) of Degree or Diploma
- Transcripts
- English Proficiency Test (EPT) Score
- Curriculum Vitae
- Identity Document of the Applicant
- Identity Document of BOTH Parents
- Certificate of Family Registration (“가족관계증명서”)
- The Certificate of the Facts Concerning the Entry & Exit (“출입국사실증명서”)
ONLY for Korean Ethnicity if applicable – It must be issued within three months
- List of Honors and Awards
- Employment Certificate
- School Profile / Credit Rating System
Official English Test Scores
- TOEFL iBT Min. Score 83 *PBT / CBT Min. Score 560 / 220
Submission: Report through the ETS website and send us a legible copy of score report
Remark Code: 0195 (iBT MyBest Scores are NOT accepted)
- IELTS Min. Score 6.5 band
Submission: A legible copy of the score report
Remark Academic Mode
- TOEIC Min. Score 720
Submission: The original score report
Remark Listening & Reading
- TEPS/ New TEPS Min. Score 599 / 326
Submission: A legible copy of the score report
* Scores from Institutional Testing Program (ITP) are NOT accepted.
* Programs that do not require EPT score: GDI-ITTP track, KINS-KAIST, RCA-KAIST, KOICA-KAIST SEMBA
KAIST International Student Scholarship
- Those who apply for graduate programs through KAIST Internasional Graduate Admission cycles
Scholarship Package
- Full tuition fee: tuition exemption for 4 semesters (MS) / 10 semesters (Ms-PhD Integrated) / 8 semesters (PhD)
- Stipend: 350,000 KRW per month (MS) or 400,000 KRW per month (PhD). The stipend rate may vary by research project participation
- National Health Insurance premium
- Coverage and rate of the scholarship will be announced with the final decision on admission
- Students must maintain GPA over 2.0 out of 4.3 at KAIST
- GPA requirement of Seoul campus may be different from the above requirement.
Application Term
- Same as application term. Tick KAIST Scholarship as your financial resource
Selection Criteria
- Prior performance, future promise, and potential contribution to the KAIST community
- Those who apply for Master’s or Master’s-Ph.D. Integrated programs through KAIST Internasional Graduate Admission cycles
Distinguished Package
- KGPS guaranteed full tuition fees and monthly stipend of KRW 1,000,000 for 2 years
- The requirement, application term, and selection criteria are the same as KAIST Scholarship
- KGPS doesn’t require an additional application other than KAIST Scholarship application. Awardees will be selected out of the KAIST Scholarship awardees.
Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Foundation Global Scholarship
- Citizens of 8 ASEAN countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam)
- Applicants of Master’s, Integrated Masters’/Doctoral or Doctoral Program
- Applicants to major in Science & Engineering, Economics, or Business
- Tuition fee
- Monthly Learning Expense
- Settlement Expense
- Graduation Incentive
For more information, please contact
ONLINE Application:
Aug. 25th, 10A.M. – Sep. 15th 2022, 5P.M.
Document Submission by POST by Sep. 26th, 2022
Graduate Admissions Team, KAIST
# 110, 1st Floor, E 16-1 B/D
291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon (Zip Code:34141)
Republic of KoreaOffice. +82-42-350-2352, 2354 / E-mail:
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