Jenjang yang Ditawarkan
M.S., Ph.D., integrated M.S. & Ph.D. 3 posisi, dan Postdoctoral Researcher 1 posisi.
Cangkupan Studi
Electronic circuits, sensors, sensor interface, signal processing in artificial intelligence, acoustic wave communication or visible light communication di Department of Electronics, Electrical Eng., Computer Science Eng., Control and Communication Engineering serta area lain yang masih relevan.
- Memiliki gelar S1 dan S2 di bidang engineering atau science.
- Pendaftaran: Situs PKNU (hanya berlaku bagi pendaftar M.S., Ph.D., integrated M.S. & Ph.D), bagi pendaftar posisi Postdoctoral Researcher mohon mengirim CV beserta daftar publikasi ke atau
Tunjangan Beasiswa IoT Laboratory PKNU
Lebih dari 1,300,000 KRW (Master).
Lebih dari 1,600,000 KRW (Ph.D.).
Lebih dari 3,000,000 KRW (Postdoctoral Researcher).
Baca juga: Program Beasiswa AMA+ Korea National University of Arts 2024
Waktu Pendaftaran
17 April ~ 4 Mei, 2023.
Informasi Lebih Lanjut
Untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut, kamu dapat mengunjungi situs AI IoT PKNU atau Google Scholar ini.
IoT Laboratory Scholarship Pukyong National University 2023
Levels Offered
M.S., Ph.D., integrated M.S. & Ph.D. 3 Positions, and Postdoctoral Researcher 1 Position.
Area Studies
Electronic circuits, sensors, sensor interface, signal processing in artificial intelligence, acoustic wave communication or visible light communication in the Department of Electronics, Electrical Eng., Computer Science Eng., Control and Communication Engineering and other related areas.
Baca juga: Rekrutmen Mahasiswa Pascasarjana Internasional 2023
- Holders of a bachelor’s and master’s degree in engineering or science
- Application: PKNU Website (only for M.S., Ph.D., integrated M.S. & Ph.D), for Postdoctoral Researcher position please send CV with the publication list to or
Benefit IoT Laboratory PKNU Scholarship
Over 1,300,000 KRW (Master Course).
Over 1,600,000 KRW (Ph.D. Course).
Over 3,000,000 KRW (Postdoctoral Researcher).
Application Period
April 17th ~ May 4th, 2023.
Further Information
For further information, please kindly check Laboratory AI IoT PKNU website or this Google Scholar.
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