Global Korea Scholarship

Program D3 dan S1 Global Korea Scholarship – University Industry Cooperation 2022

Tentang Global Korea Scholarship (GKS)

Beasiswa Global Korea Scholarship dirancang guna menyediakan kesempatan bagi mahasiswa internasional untuk melakukan pembelajaran di institusi pendidikan tinggi Korea, yang akan meningkatkan pertukaran sistem pembelajaran serta mempererat persahabatan antara Korea dengan negara peserta.

Jenjang yang Ditawarkan

D3 dan S1

Program Studi

Jurusan yang menyediakan kurikulum disesuaikan dan pengalaman di lapangan melalui kerja sama universitas dan industri yang terpusat pada bidang ilmu sains dan teknik.


S1 (8 Universitas):

  • Ajou University
  • Konyang University
  • Kookmin University
  • Korea Polytechnic University
  • Korea University of Technology and Education
  • Pusan National University
  • Sogang University
  • Soonchunhyang University

D3 (2 Universitas):

  • Kyungbok University
  • Yeungjin University

Penyelenggara Global Korea Scholarship

Institusi Pendidikan Internasional Nasional



  • Pendaftar beserta orang tua TIDAK memiliki kewarganegaraan Korea. Apabila pendaftar atau orang tua memiliki dua kewarganegaraan (satu Korea serta negara lain), maka pendaftar tidak diperbolehkan mendaftar

*Pendaftar beserta orang tua yang sebelumnya memiliki kewarganegaraan Korea wajib mengumpulkan dokumen sebagai bukti perubahan kewarganegaraan.

Persyaratan Jenjang:

  • Pendaftar yang telah (atau akan) lulus dari SMA dapat mendaftar program S1 atau D3.
  • Pendaftar yang telah (atau akan) lulus dari program D3 hanya dapat mendaftar di program S1.

*Pendaftar yang diperkirakan akan lulus per tanggal 31 Agustus 2022 terlebih dahulu wajib  mengumpulkan surat keterangan yang menerangkan kelulusan yang diperkirakan. Ijazah kelulusan resmi beserta transkrip nilai akhir wajib dikumpulkan ke GKS Center, NIIED per tanggal 31 Agustus 2022.


  • Pendaftar wajib mempertahankan IPK setara atau lebih tinggi dari persyaratan di bawah selama menempuh pendidikan sebelumnya.
  • IPK wajib di atas 2.64/4.0, 2.80/4.3, 2.91/4.5 atau 3.23/5.0.
  • Persentase nilai 80% atau lebih dalam skala nilai 100 atau mendapat peringkat 20% teratas di kelas.
  • Apabila pendaftar memiliki transkrip yang tidak mengikutsertakan informasi IPK atau tidak mampu mengkonversi nilai ke dalam skala IPK yang ditentukan (4.0, 4.3, 4.5, 5.0, atau 100), maka pendaftar wajib mengumpulkan dokumen tambahan yang secara resmi dikeluarkan oleh universitas yang bersangkutan menerangkan sistem IPK di universitas tersebut.
  • Pendaftar yang diperkirakan akan lulus dari wajib menghitung IPK terbaru ketika pendaftaran.


Di bawah 25 tahun (lahir setelah 1 September 1997)


  • Pendaftar memiliki kesehatan yang baik, mental dan fisik, untuk melakukan studi di Korea selama kurun waktu program secara penuh.
  • Pendaftar tidak memiliki dasar untuk didiskualifikasi (seperti memiliki catatan kriminal) untuk melakukan perjalanan luar negeri.


  • Pendaftar yang lulus dari SMA Korea (termasuk sekolah internasional) atau yang telah memiliki gelar S1 tidak diperbolehkan mendaftar.

*Pendaftar yang memiliki gelar D3 tidak diperbolehkan mendaftar ke program D3, tetapi dapat mendaftar ke program S1. Pendaftar yang sebelumnya menempuh pendidikan di Universitas Korea dalam rangka pertukaran atau kunjungan mahasiswa diperbolehkan mendaftar.

  • Pendaftar yang sebelumnya menerima beasiswa untuk gelar dari pemerintahan Korea tidak diperbolehkan mendaftar.

*Mantan atau penerima aktif beasiswa GKS yang mendaftar GKS untuk program D3 tidak diperbolehkan mendaftar untuk program S1 GKS. Namun, pendaftar yang menerima beasiswa GKS untuk program non gelar untuk pertukaran mahasiswa asing dapat mendaftar

  • Pendaftar wajib hanya memilih satu jalur: Pendaftar hanya memilih satu program (D3 atau S1) dan mendaftar ke satu universitas.


Dokumen (wajib):

  • 1 (form 1) Application Form
  • 2 (form 2) Personal Statement
  • 3 (form 3) Study Plan
  • 4 (form 4) Satu Surat Rekomendasi
  • 5 (form 5) GKS Applicant Agreement
  • 6 (form 6) Personal Medical Assessment

Sertifikat (wajib):

  • 7 Ijazah (atau surat keterangan lulus)
  • 8 Transkrip Akademik
  • 9 Dokumen Kewarganegaraan dan Hubungan Keluarga (KK)

Wajib bagi pendaftar dengan ketentuan:

  • 10 Dokumen Kewarganegaraan Korea Luar Negeri
  • 11 Bukti Perubahan Kewarganegaraan Korea
  • 12 Bukti Garis Keturunan Veteran Perang Korea

Dokumen lain (opsional):

  • 13 Surat Keterangan Kefasihan Berbahasa Inggris atau TOPIK Resmi
  • Mengumpulkan printouts dari official website 
  • 14 Buku dan hasil penelitian terpublikasi, copy dari piagam penghargaan dan sertifikat, dsb. (Mengumpulkan dokumen photocopied).
  • 15 Mengumpulkan Copy Passport

*Semua dokumen dikumpulkan dalam bahasa Inggris atau Korea.

*Ikuti aturan pengumpulan yang diatur oleh tiap universitas.

*Setiap universitas dapat (atau tidak) menerima dokumen pendaftaran dalam bentuk yang lebih singkat, sangat direkomendasikan untuk memeriksa kembali sesuai aturan universitas sebelum mengumpulkan.

Baca juga: Beasiswa bagi kamu yang ingin kuliah jurusan seni di korea

Tunjangan Global Korea Scholarship

  • Tiket pesawat kelas ekonomi (tarif sebenarnya)
  • Biaya pindah 200,000 KRW
  • Tunjangan bulanan 900,000 KRW
  • Asuransi kesehatan 55,630 KRW
  • Tunjangan kefasihan berbahasa Korea 100,000 KRW
  • Tunjangan menyelesaikan pendidikan 100,000 KRW
  • Biaya kursus bahasa (NIIED: 1 juta KRW), (Universitas: jumlah yang melebihi 1 juta KRW)
  • Uang kuliah (NIIED: hingga 5 juta KRW), (Universitas: jumlah yang melebihi 5 juta KRW, uang masuk)

Tenggat Waktu

Tergantung masing-masing kampus. Cek jadwal di website resmi setiap kampus


Jumlah penerima: 100 orang (85 orang S1 / 15 orang D3). Program ini terbuka untuk seluruh negara di dunia.

S1 (8 Universitas):

  • Ajou University:

Software Engineering: 15

  • Konyang University:

Department of Cyber Security: 5

Department of Medical Artificial Intelligent: 4

  • Kookmin University

Software, Artificial Intelligence: 10

  • Korea Polytechnic University:

Department of Mechatronics Engineering: 10

  • Korea University of Technology and Education

School of Mechanical Engineering: 5

School of Computer Science and Engineering: 5

  • Pusan National University: 

Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Nanoenergy Engineering, Nano Mechatronics Engineering, Optics and Mechatronics Engineering, Biological Sciences: 10

  • Sogang University:

Electronic Engineering, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering: 12

  • Soonchunhyang University:

Big Data Engineering, Internet of Things, Computer Software Engineering, Information Security Engineering, Medical IT Engineering: 9

D3 (2 Universitas):

  • Kyungbok University:

Data Analysis: 7

  • Yeungjin University:

School of Computer Information, School of AI Convergence Mechanical Engineering: 8

Total: 100

*Jurusan yang tersedia di program ini akan menawarkan penerima beasiswa UIC kurikulum yang disesuaikan dan pengalaman kerja lapangan yang dibutuhkan untuk menunjang serta bermanfaat bagi karir masa depan penerima.

Informasi Lebih Lanjut

Global Korea Scholarship Center, NIIED


Alamat: GKS Center, NIIED (Selection department of 2022 GKS-G)

191, Jeongjail-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do (13557) Republic of Korea

Undergraduate Degrees Program Global Korea Scholarship-University Industry Cooperation 2022

informasi global korea scholarship
global korea scholarship

Description About Global Korea Scholarship (GKS)

Global Korea Scholarship is designed to provide international students with opportunities to study at higher educational institutions in Korea in pursuit of academic degrees, which will enhance international education exchange and deepen mutual friendship between Korea and participating countries.

Levels Offered

Associate Degree and Bachelor Degree

Area Studies

Department that provide customized curriculum and field experience through industry-university cooperation focused on the fields of national science and engineering

Available Universities: 

Bachelor Degree (8 Universities)

  • Ajou University
  • Konyang University
  • Kookmin University
  • Korea Polytechnic University
  • Korea University of Technology and Education
  • Pusan National University
  • Sogang University
  • Soonchunhyang University

Associate Degree (2 Universities)

  • Kyungbok University
  • Yeungjin University

Baca juga: Program Beasiswa KOICA 2022 

The Institution

National Institute for International Education



All applicants and their parents must NOT hold Korean citizenship. If an applicant or his/her parent(s) hold dual citizenship (one who have Korean citizenship and citizenship of another country), he/she is NOT eligible to apply.

*Applicants and their parents who had previously held Korean citizenship must submit documentation that proves their renunciation of Korean citizenship.

Degree Requirements:

  • Applicants who graduated (or are expected to graduate) from a high school can apply for a Bachelor degree program or an Associate degree program.
  • Applicants who graduated (or are expected to graduate) from an associate degree can only apply for a Bachelor degree program.

*Applicants who are expected to graduate by August 31st, 2022 must first submit a certificate of expected graduation. The official graduation certificate (or diploma) and final academic transcript must be submitted to GKS Center, NIIED by August 31st, 2022


  • All applicants must have maintained a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) equivalent to or higher than any ONE of the following from their previous degree program.
  • CGPA must be above 2.64/4.0, 2.80/4.3, 2.91/4.5 or 3.23/5.0.
  • Score percentile should be 80% or above on a 100-point scale or be ranked within the top 20% within one‟s class.
  • If an applicant holds a transcript that does not include information on CGPA or is unable to convert his or her grades into any one of the acknowledged GPA scales (4.0, 4.3, 4.5, 5.0, or 100 point scale), then the applicant must submit additional documents officially issued by their respective university describing the university‟s grading system.
  • Applicants who are expected to graduate should calculate the most recent CGPA at the time of application.


Must be under 25 years of age (born after September 1, 1997).


  • All applicants must be in good health, both mentally and physically, to study in Korea for the full duration of the program.
  • All applicants must have no grounds for disqualification (e.g., criminal history) for overseas travel.


  • Applicants who have graduated from Korean high school (including international schools) or who hold a bachelor‟s degree are NOT eligible to apply.

*Applicants who have Associate degree cannot apply to an Associate degree program, but CAN apply for a Bachelor‟s degree program. Applicants who have previously studied in a Korean university as exchange or visiting students CAN apply

  • Applicants who have previously received a degree program scholarship from one of the Korean government scholarship programs are NOT eligible to apply

*A previous (or current) GKS scholar who enrolled in GKS for Associate degree cannot apply for GKS Bachelor‟s degree program. However, applicants who received scholarships from GKS Non-degree program for foreign exchange students CAN apply.

  • Applicants must choose and apply for only ONE track: Applicants must choose only ONE degree program (Associate OR Bachelor‟s degree program) and apply to ONE university.


Documents to complete (Required):

  • 1 (form 1) Application Form
  • 2 (form 2) Personal Statement
  • 3 (form 3) Study Plan
  • 4 (form 4) ONE letter of Recommendation
  • 5 (form 5) GKS Applicant Agreement
  • 6 (form 6) Personal Medical Assessment

Certificates (Required):

  • 7 Graduation certificate (or certificate of expected graduation)
  • 8 Academic Transcript
  • Applicant’s/Parent(s)’ Proof of Citizenship and family relationship Document

Required for relevant applicants:

  • 10 Proof of Overseas Korean Document
  • 11 Proof of Korean Citizenship Renunciation Document
  • 2 Proof of Korean War Veteran’s Descendants

Other documents (Optional):

  • 13 Score report of valid TOPIK or English Proficiency Test (submit printouts from an official website).
  • 14 Copy of awards and other certificates etc (submit in photocopied documents).
  • 15 Applicant’s Passport Copy (submit in photocopied documents)

*All documents must be submitted in English or Korean

*Please follow the submission guidelines set by each university

*Each university may (or may not) accept application documents in a simplified version, so it is strongly recommended to check with the university before submission

Benefits of Global Korea Scholarship

  • Airfare Economy class flight ticket (actual expense)
  • Settlement Allowance 200,000 KRW
  • Monthly Allowance 900,000 KRW
  • Medical Insurance 55,630 KRW
  • Korean Proficiency Grants 100,000 KRW
  • Degree Completion Grants 100,000 KRW
  • Language Training Fee (NIIED: 1 million KRW), (University: amount that exceeds 1 million KRW)
  • Tuition (NIIED: up to 5 million KRW), (University: amount that exceeds 5 million KRW, Admission fee)


Based on each campus. Check out the campus website for more information.


Number of expected grantees: 100 scholars (85 scholars in Bachelor Degree / 15 scholars in Associate Degree). This program is open to all countries around the world.

Bachelor Degree (8 Universities):

  • Ajou University:

 Software Engineering: 15

  • Konyang University:

Department of Cyber Security: 5

Department of Medical Artificial Intelligent: 4

  • Kookmin University

Software, Artificial Intelligence: 10

  • Korea Polytechnic University

Department of Mechatronics Engineering: 10

  • Korea University of Technology and Education

School of Mechanical Engineering: 5

School of Computer Science and Engineering: 5

  • Pusan National University

Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Nanoenergy Engineering, Nano Mechatronics Engineering, Optics and Mechatronics Engineering, Biological Sciences: 10

  • Sogang University:

Electronic Engineering, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering: 12

  • Soonchunhyang University

Big Data Engineering, Internet of Things, Computer Software Engineering, Information Security Engineering, Medical IT Engineering: 9

Associate Degree (2 Universities):

  • Kyungbok University

Data Analysis: 7

  • Yeungjin University: School of Computer Information, School of AI Convergence Mechanical Engineering: 8

Total: 100

*The available departments in this program will offer UIC scholars a customized curriculum and necessary field experience to support and be beneficial to an individual’s future career.

Further Information

Global Korea Scholarship Center, NIIED


Address: GKS Center, NIIED (Selection department of 2022 GKS-G)

191, Jeongjail-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do (13557) Republic of Korea

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