Beasiswa Chungbuk National University di Electronics Engineering & Computer Science

Beasiswa Chungbuk National University
Beasiswa Chungbuk National University di Electronics Engineering & Computer Science

Beasiswa Chungbuk National University | Research Area:

  • Deep Learning and Image Recognition Algorithms
    1. Object detection, tracking, segmentation algorithm with image processing
    2. CNN, SNN, RNN model optimization and fast training for low cost hardware accelerator
    3. Vehicle and pedestrian detection with deep learning algorithms
    4. Requirement: Familiar with Phyton, C program (Tensorflow/PyTorch, Deep learning knowledge is a big plus)

  • Neural Network Processor and SoC Chip Design
    1. Deep learning AI Processor Architectures for Edge CNN and RNN models with On-line Training
    2. Low Power Neural Network Processor Accelerator and RISC-V based SoC Chip Design
    3. Analog-Digital mixed signal circuit design for Synapse, Neuron, and Convolution Filter Circuits
    4. Requirement: Familiar with analog or digital design CAD tools, MATLAB (Verilog, FPGA design experience is a big plus)

Host Institution:

MSIS Lab, Chungbuk National University, Korea


Prof. Hyung Won Kim

Degree Offered:

  • Combined Master-PhD
  • PhD

Application Deadline:

  • October 26, 2020 (Email application to professor)
  • November 6, 2020 (Final application submission to uiversity)


Full financial support until graduation: Research scholarship covering:

  • Tuition fees
  • Living expenses


  • Graduated or will graduate with Bachelor or Master Degree before March 1, 2021
  • Major is related to
    • Electrical engineering
    • Computer science
    • Information and communication
  • Have excellent research skill and strong motivation towards PhD
  • Have excellent English skill (spoken and written)
  • Have superior GPA (Top 10% or higher in class)
  • For combined Master-PhD: must have outstanding GPA or project experience with professor during undergraduate program.

Required Documents:

  • CV including photo, academic records, research experience and publication list.
  • Copy of transcript
  • Copy of graduate certificate
  • All publications, including M.S thesis and B.S undergraduate thesis project reports in PDF
  • (After professor’s evaluation) 2 reference letters and application forms for university

Application Procedure:

Send the required documents to Prof. Hyung Won Kim through email before the deadline.

More Information:

If you have any inquiries regarding this scholarship, you may contact Prof. Hyung Won Kim via email to

Selain Beasiswa Chungbuk National University di Electronics Engineering & Computer Science, dapatkan juga informasi beasiswa luar negeri lainnya di website dan Instagram Beasiswa Korea.

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4 Responses

  1. Hello,
    Be careful, this lab abuses the students’ rights. The lab is cheating the results.
    Many students left the lab without degree due to bad environment in the lab

  2. Hallo min, untuk informasi lebih lanjut dari beasiswa ini sekiramya dapat dilihat dimana ya min?😀 Dan kira-kira apakah akan dibuka kembali untuk tahun 2021? Terimakasih min

    1. Hai Nisa, ini adalah beasiswa yang diberikan oleh Profesor jadi apabila kamu ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut, termasuk apakah beasiswa ini akan dibuka kembali tahun 2021, kamu bisa menanyakan ke email Prof. Hyung Won Kim via email Biasanya beasiswa professor akan dibuka bila profesornya mendapatkan funding dan butuh mahasiswa, beasiswa ini selalu dibuka setiap 2 kali dalam setahun tapi belum tentu dari professor yang sama.
      Semangat terus, dan semoga jawaban ini membantu 🙂

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