global korea scholarship 2023

Beasiswa Global Korea 2023 Panduan Pendaftaran Program Sarjana Jalur Kedutaan

Beasiswa Global Korea 2023 Panduan Pendaftaran Program Sarjana Jalur Kedutaan



 Beasiswa Global Korea dirancang guna menyediakan kesempatan bagi mahasiswa internasional untuk melakukan pembelajaran di institusi pendidikan tinggi Korea, yang akan meningkatkan pertukaran sistem pembelajaran serta mempererat persahabatan antara Korea dengan negara peserta.




Tidak dijelaskan


Institusi Pendidikan Internasional Nasional



– Orang tua pendaftar (atau wali yang sah) wajib memiliki kewarganegaraan dari negara lain di luar Korea. Jika pendaftar atau orang tua memiliki kewarganegaraan ganda (yang memiliki kewarganegaraan Korea dan negara lain), maka tidak diperbolehkan mendaftar.

Jenjang Pendidikan

– Program S1 bagi pendaftar yang telah lulus (atau akan lulus) dari SMA atau jenjang Diploma

– Pendaftar yang telah memiliki gelar sarjana tidak diperbolehkan mendaftar. Pendaftar yang telah memiliki gelar Diploma hanya dapat mendaftar ke program S1

– Pendaftar yang akan lulus wajib terlebih dahulu mengumpulkan surat keterangan lulus saat pendaftaran. Apabila pendaftar tersebut lulus putaran kedua proses seleksi, kandidat tersebut wajib mengumpulkan ijazah per 28 Februari, 2023


IPK atau nilai rata-rata dari semua kurikulum jenjang pendidikan sebelumnya wajib memenuhi satu dari dua kriteria di bawah;

– Persentase nilai wajib 80% atau lebih dalam skala 100-poin atau berada di peringkat 20% teratas dalam satu kelas

– Setara dengan atau lebih dari 2.64/4.0, 2.80/4.3, 2.91/4.5 atau 3.23/5.0

※ Jika pendaftar mendapat transkrip yang tidak menyediakan informasi IPK atau nilai rata-rata atau tidak mampu mengonversi nilai tersebut ke salah satu skala (4.0, 4.3, 4.5, 5.0, atau 100 poin), maka pendaftar wajib mengumpulkan dokumen tambahan yang dikeluarkan secara resmi oleh sekolah/universitas yang menerangkan sistem yang dipakai

○ Usia

– Wajib di bawah 25 tahun (lahir setelah 1 Maret, 1998)

○ Kesehatan

– Pendaftar berada dalam kondisi kesehatan yang baik, secara mental dan fisik, untuk belajar di Korea secara penuh.

※ Pendaftar tidak memiliki alasan untuk didiskualifikasi (seperti catatan kriminal) untuk penerbangan luar negeri.


– Yang telah lulus (atau akan lulus) dari SMA Korea (termasuk sekolah internasional) atau yang telah lulus (atau akan lulus) dari program Diploma Korea tidak diperbolehkan mendaftar.

– Yang telah lulus dari kurikulum online yang diadakan oleh sekolah/universitas Korea tidak dapat mendaftar

– Yang saat ini berada di tahun terakhir di SMA atau universitas Korea tidak dapat mendaftar

– Yang sebelumnya telah menerima beasiswa untuk program jenjang dari pemerintah Korea tidak diperbolehkan mendaftar

– Yang sebelumnya (atau saat ini) merupakan kandidat GKS yang saat ini sedang, telah menyelesaikan, atau lulus dari program Diploma GKS

– Kandidat GKS yang beasiswanya dibatalkan setelah pendaftaran

– Yang sebelumnya telah menerima beasiswa dari agensi pemerintahan Korea selain NIIED

– Kandidat GKS yang menerima beasiswa GKS untuk program non jenjang bagi pertukaran mahasiswa boleh mendaftar

Kandidat Ganda

– Pendaftar jalur kedutaan yang lulus seleksi tahap pertama (termasuk kandidat cadangan) tidak dapat mendaftar kembali lewat jalur universitas

– Pendaftar jalur kedutaan wajib hanya mendaftar ke salah satu program di antara General program dan Overseas Koreans program


  • Dokumen (wajib)

1 (form 1) Application Form

2 (form 2) Personal Statement

3 (form 3) Study Plan

4 (form 4) Satu Surat Rekomendasi

5 (form 5) GKS Applicant Agreement

6 (form 6) Personal Medical Assessment

  • Sertifikat wajib

*dikumpulkan apostille/consular-confirmation

7 Bukti kewarganegaraan (pendaftar dan orang tua) dan bukti hubungan keluarga

8 Ijazah SMA (atau surat keterangan lulus)

9 Transkrip Akademik

  • Wajib bagi pendaftar yang relevan

*dikumpulkan apostille/consular-confirmation

10 Ijazah (atau surat keterangan lulus) dari program diploma

11 Transkrip Akademik Diploma

12 Dokumen Kewarganegaraan Korea Luar Negeri

13 Bukti Perubahan Kewarganegaraan Korea

14 Bukti Garis Keturunan Veteran Perang Korea

  • Dokumen lain (Opsional)

15 Laporan nilai TOPIK (asli) atau Ujian Kefasihan Bahasa Inggris (copy) resmi

16 Copy dari penghargaan dan sertifikat lain, dsb. (copy)

17 Passport Pendaftar (copy)


Tiket pesawat kelas ekonomi (tarif sebenarnya)

Biaya pindah 200,000 KRW

Tunjangan bulanan 900,000 KRW

Tunjangan kefasihan berbahasa Korea 100,000 KRW

Tunjangan menyelesaikan pendidikan 100,000 KRW

Asuransi kesehatan: tunjangan standar yang ditetapkan oleh NIIED

Biaya kursus bahasa (NIIED: 1 juta KRW), (Universitas: jumlah yang melebihi 1 juta KRW)

Uang kuliah (NIIED: hingga 5 juta KRW), (Universitas: jumlah yang melebihi 5 juta KRW, uang masuk)


Kamis, 6 Oktober, 2022

Dokumen dapat dikirimkan ke Kedutaan

– Tidak menerima dokumen terpisah

– Guna menjamin kesehatan dan keamanan pendaftar, pengumpulan hanya akan diterima melalui jasa pengiriman paket (mis. JNE, Kantor POS, DHL, dsb.).

– Pendaftaran melalui email atau facsimile tidak diperbolehkan.

 * Alamat :

[ Nama Lengkap ]

2023 Global Korea Scholarship

Embassy of the Republic of Korea

JL.Gatot Subroto Kav.57 Jakarta 12950

Tel : 021-2967-2555

– Interview (online): 18-19 Oktober, 2022 (tentative)

– Interview kemungkinan besar akan diadakan secara virtual (akan diumumkan kemudian). Hanya pendaftar yang terpilih yang akan mendapat pemberitahuan mengenai jadwal interview.


Kandidat terpilih Indonesia : 2



Global Korea Scholarship is designed to provide international students with opportunities to study at higher educational institutions in Korea in pursuit of academic degrees, which will enhance international education exchange and deepen mutual friendship between Korea and participating countries.


Bachelor Degree




National Institute for International Education


○ Nationality

– Applicants’ parents (or legal guardians) must hold citizenship from another country other than Korea. If applicants or their parent hold dual citizenship (one who has both Korean citizenship and citizenship of another country), such applicant is NOT eligible to apply.

○ Level of Education

– Bachelor’s degree program is for applicants who graduated (or are expected to graduate) from a high school or from an associate degree program

– Applicants who have a bachelor’s degree cannot apply. Applicants who have associate degree can only apply to a bachelor’s program

– Applicants who are expected to graduate must first submit a certificate of expected graduation at the time of application. If such applicants pass the final round of selection, they must submit a graduation certificate (or a degree certificate) by February 28, 2023

○ Grades

Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of the entire curriculum from the previous (degree) program must meet one of the two conditions below;

– Score percentile should be 80% or above on a 100-point scale or be ranked within the top 20% within one’s class

– CGPA must be equal to or above 2.64/4.0, 2.80/4.3, 2.91/4.5 or 3.23/5.0

※ If an applicant holds a transcript that does not provide CGPA information or is unable to convert his or her grades into any one of the accepted GPA scales (4.0, 4.3, 4.5, 5.0, or 100 point scale), then the applicant must submit additional documents officially issued by their respective school/university describing the institution’s grading system

○ Age

– Must be under 25 years of age (born after March 1, 1998)

○ Health

– All applicants must be in good health, both mentally and physically, to study in Korea for the full duration of the program.

※ All applicants must have no grounds for disqualification (e.g., criminal history) for overseas travel.

  • Restrictions

– A person who has graduated (or is expected to graduate) from Korean high school (including international schools) or who has graduated (or is expected to graduate) from a Korean associate degree program is NOT eligible to apply.

– A person who graduated from an online curriculum arranged by a Korean school/university cannot apply

– A person who iscurrently in their final year at a Korean high school or Korean university cannot apply

– A person who had previously received a scholarship for a degree program from the Korean government is NOT eligible to apply

– A previous (or current) GKS scholar who are currently in, have completed, or graduated from a GKS associate degree program 

– A previous GKS scholar whose scholarship was cancelled after their enrollment

– A person who had previously received a scholarship for their degree program from another Korean government agency other than NIIED

– A previous GKS scholar who has received scholarships from GKS Non-degree program for exchange students CAN apply

Duplicate Applicants

– Embassy track applicants who passed the first round of selection (including backup candidates) cannot apply again through a university track

– Embassy track applicants must apply to only one program between General program and Overseas Koreans program


  • Documents to complete (Required)

1 (form 1) Application Form

2 (form 2) Personal Statement

3 (form 3) Study Plan

4 (form 4) ONE letter of Recommendation

5 (form 5) GKS Applicant Agreement

6 (form 6) Personal Medical Assessment

  • Required Certificates

*Submit with apostille/consular-confirmation

7 Proof of citizenship (applicant and parents) and proof of family relationship

8 High School Graduation certicate (or certificate of expected graduation)

9 Academic Transcript of high school curriculum

  • Required for relevant applicants

*Submit with apostille/consular-confirmation

10 Graduation certicate (or certificate of expected graduation) of associate degree program

11 Academic transcript of associate degree

12 Proof of Overseas Korean Document

13 Proof of Korean Citizenship Renunciation Document

14 Proof of Korean War Veteran’s Descendant

  • Other documents (Optional)

15 Score report of valid TOPIK (original) or English Proficiency Test (copy)

16 Copy of awards and other certificates, etc. (copy)

17 Applicant’s Passport (copy)


Airfare Economy class flight ticket (actual expense)

Settlement Allowance 200,000 KRW

Monthly Allowance 900,000 KRW

Korean Proficiency Grants 100,000 KRW

Degree Completion Grants 100,000 KRW

Medical Insurance: standard amount set by NIIED

Language Training Fee (NIIED: 1 million KRW), (University: amount that exceeds 1 million KRW)

Tuition (NIIED: up to 5 million KRW), (University: amount that exceeds 5 million KRW, Admission fee)


Thursday, October 6, 2022

Send the complete application to the Embassy

– Not accept separate document

– To ensure the health and safety of the applicants, applications will only be accepted

  through mail courier services (i.e. JNE, Kantor POS, DHL, etc.).

– Applications sent through email or facsimile are not allowed.

 * Address :

[ Full Name ]

2023 Global Korea Scholarship

Embassy of the Republic of Korea

JL.Gatot Subroto Kav.57 Jakarta 12950

Tel : 021-2967-2555

– Interview(online): October 18-19, 2022 (tentative)

– The interview is most likely to be done virtually (to be confirmed). Please take note that only shortlisted applicants will be notified with the interview schedule.


Number of expected grantees General Applicants from the Indonesia : 2

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